Charlie Strachan
Subject: Law
Year Joined: 2014
Vocal Class: Baritone
Upon arrival in Oxford, Charlie made the decision to sacrifice his lofty ambitions in the legal profession in order to become a pop star instead. Unfortunately, however, he failed to follow their instructions correctly and missed the auditions for One Direction, instead finding himself in Out of the Blue.
Sweet-tempered, snuggly, and suitably sassy, Charlie is now the group's designated song-opener and a valuable addition to the baritone section. When he's not meticulously learning his parts before rehearsal or plotting to overthrow the OOTB Committee, this Westminster-educated self-proclaimed master of the art of 'banter' will frequently be found staring blankly at the covers of legal textbooks and sitting asleep in front of laptop screens, or gracing the floors of Park End with his unparalleled choreographical prowess.