Jack Trzcinski
Subject: Maths
Year Joined: 2014
Vocal Class: Tenor 2
He might seem fierce and mysterious at a first glance but the eight feet tall tenor 2 is actually amongst the sweetest of the members.
His scrutinizing and inquisitive eyes have attributed him the role of “mafia” in one of the most traditional of Out of the Blue’s games; and he is, to be honest, terrifyingly good at it. Most of us think he is trying to plot against us and through his skilful mathematics skills, draft a cunning scheme to overcome the dynasty of the Blues. Some very attentive members have actually caught him reading an obscure mathematical work which he seems to never finish.
In his spare time, Jack Trenzcizsiscsskzi – he actually spends 99.9% of his time trying to teach us the immaculate pronunciation of his last name – collects bats from humid underground confinements and has a part-time job as a double agent, he also likes ice-cream.
If you really want to please him, send him a walnut cake to the following address, making sure it has plenty of eggs too, it would be the climax of his life:
ul. Wodna 666
051-090 Omertà