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Romain Reglade
Subject: Italian and German
Year Joined: 2014
Position: Creative Manager
Romain has entered the group in a unique and newly founded role known as ‘Creative Manager’. His vast range of talents and hobbies make him the perfect candidate for this position:
“Let’s just say ‘I know a guy’” Is a quotation too close to Romain’s heart. He knows many a guy.
Hanging out with models. Romain calls it photography but let’s face it, nobody’s really buying that.
His hairdressing capabilities are phenomenal. Just check out the OOTB haircuts and tell me otherwise!
- His Snapchat is a force to be reckoned with. If you want to see your daily dose of floors, ceilings and masterful zooming technology then tune in.
The list goes on and on but when he’s not doing everything ever for Out of the Blue, you would probably find him taking long showers or collecting stamps. Did I mention he’s French? He’s French.

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