Ollie Ralph
Subject: Biochemistry
Year Joined: 2011-13; 2014
Vocal Class: Bass
Ollie, or 'Ray-Diddle-Day' as he prefers to be called, suffered an unfortunate identity crisis after one particularly crushing defeat in a game of Mafia. Since then, he has been unable to decide whether he is an alto or a bass. This confusion on his part has been gleefully exploited by OOTB Musical Directors and arrangers alike over the several years of Ollie's membership.
However, Ollie's habit of singing in the contra octave regardless of whether it was written, his simple day-to-day requirements of some water and sunlight, and his penchant for terrible jokes ultimately reveal his true bas(s)ic nature. In his free time, Ollie practises a meditative face-stretching exercise, because the wider he can stretch his mouth and other facial orifices, the more his range grows.