Johan Trovik
Subject: PPE
Year Joined: 2014
Vocal Class: Tenor 2
Raised until the age of thirteen by wolves, Johan is a man of few English words and a large amount of facial hair. Joining Out of the Blue as a new member this year, his most notable contribution to the group has been the introduction of trial by battle – from 2015 onwards, prospective members will have to undergo multiple rounds of auditions before being forced to fight to the death for a chance to be accepted into this highly prestigious a cappella group. It must be noted however that due to high levels of interest in recent years surviving applicants may no longer be guaranteed a place.
In his spare time, Johan tends to his collection of Glaswegian pan pipes as well as raising a herd of mountain lions on his ranch in Stavanger. All hobbies that have truly allowed Johan to integrate fully into English culture.
Upon hearing Johan’s ABBA solo in the new mash up of “Dancing Queen” and “Take a Chance on Me”, one local Stavangerian was overheard exclaiming “brødkurv småerte”. I know… Me neither.